Statue at Henrietta Street
High on my list of new books for Christmas was Romantic Irish Homes by Robert O’Byrne and photographer Simon Brown. But somehow Santa forgot to include it with this year’s stack. While I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver the goods, I’ll have to make do with these photos from Simon Brown’s web site.
interesting post. Have not seen that book but will seek it out. I have one with some similar atmospheric pics called Irish georgian published late 90's. Some good pics from Henrietta street. Have been enjoying your blog. Thanks, daniel
interesting post. Have not seen that book but will seek it out. I have one with some similar atmospheric pics called Irish georgian published late 90's. Some good pics from Henrietta street. Have been enjoying your blog. Thanks, daniel
My goodness-I have not seen this book will have to check it out- I love the slightly and severely decayed interiors, You might enjoy Ivan Tereschenko's blog (he photographed the YSL, Pierre Berge collection for the book and his blog is wonderful.) I just purchased a book called Bonnettstown-A House in Ireland (truly beautiful exterior) What a glorious country
I would love to get the book. So poetic. the photography is superb. great post. merci
This was the one house that caught my eye in that book. I just loved it. Carefully curated collections, displayed in a way to suggest they had just been accidently left that way.
just love it, saw some of the pictures a long time ago, but they are still very nice :-)
Stunning. Have ordered it myself based on your photos. Love love love the decay and melancholy; peeling, faded, crumbling. I'd move in in a heartbeat.
Daniel - I have the book too, one of my favorites. Excellent photos by Rene & Barbara Stoeltie.
little augury - Thanks, I'll check out the blog and the book.
Janet - Can't wait to get my copy.
ELS - Me too, but I suspect that I wouldn't last long without central heating and wi-fi. The up side would be that dusting and vacuuming would be almost entirely unnecessary.
Jeanne-Aelia & Neo - Glad you enjoyed it.
So much to love from the achingly beautiful Ireland. Romantic decay does seem to be everywhere these days from fashion shoots to interiors. Perhaps, its focus will preserve and protect what was once indifferently discarded.
Just discovered your site from Frognall Dibdin. Exquisite. Your art direction is superb - clean, uncompromising, elegant.
As always a beautiful post which makes me linger and literally calms my heart rate.
Thanks my friend.
definitely going to have to check this book out
I love this olds houses !
I have this book, and it is wonderful to see these images here. So evocative.
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